Sunday, December 9, 2018

Taking a TIME OUT!

Sometime we just have to take a 'time out'. 

Let's face can be tough sometimes.  Every one has their story and are doing the 'dog and pony show' of life every single day.  
Some days everything is ALL GOOD and couldn't be better...and then there are the 'other' days when life seems just a little (or a lot!) daunting. 

Grief, angst, fear, doubt, worry, disappointment, anxiety, betrayal, vulnerability can ALL CREEP IN and usually when we are least expecting it.  Yes, it happens to all of different capacities and in different levels...however we can all relate. 
WHEN THIS HAPPENS (not IF! but when), then it can really help to spend time REFLECTING in Nature.  

Take a time out and make sure you do so OUTSIDE. Get out there and spend time doing whatever you want to do....or simply nothing...JUST BE OUTSIDE and let the magic of Nature do its work to CLEAR OFF THE OLD STUFF....the old ways of thinking and the 'down side' of Energies.  

BREATHE!! and as you do so ACCEPT IN NEW ENERGIES such as hope and faith and love and self-respect and self-esteem and belief and trust in the future...YOUR FUTURE.  
It's all good my friends...just keep taking those TIME OUTS! 
**It gives your Angels a perfect WELCOME MAT to ring your doorbell. 
Love y'all, 

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