Monday, February 24, 2014

TRY something NEW! The A-Z DIRECTORY

When was the last time you tried something new?

You are looking at a sport (AGAIN) that IN NO WAY you have the audacity to join....PLEASE!  .... you are NO athlete and YET...
here it is.... in your face... AGAIN

You are inclined to think about another crafting hobby or another outdoor activity WHERE YOU HAVE NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE....
(everyone will be so more advanced than I am....oooohhh.)
Possibly, they will be HOWEVER....when something comes up and up and up

in your mind....
your HIGHER SELF is most DEFINITELY NOT bringing this into you awareness so that you might flourish as a great athlete or take the art world by storm....

YOU ARE BEING LED INTUITIVELY into an area where your SOUL has the most to gain.

Very often if not always,  this 'gain' is not at a level to where you can comprehend that there has been ANYTHING gained inspirationally...
and SO BE IT.

Here's the thing, if you...your SOUL is being tweaked again and again to try something....even if it makes NO SENSE, it may be totally incongruous to what YOU THINK you might be capable of...

STEP OUT OF THE BOX this year and dare something different, DO something different and BE something different.
Even though it may seem unrelated, by choosing something COMPLETELY off your list of 'things that you are comfortable with'....can activate powerful Life force Energy which helps us to manifest our goals and dreams for our physical Life path.

Challenge your Self forward!!
As I always say, choose one, some, all or none as you feel guided placing your Self out of your comfort zone you are CHOOSING a POWER-FULL PATH FORWARD.

I have shared during training sessions that there have been times in my life where I felt COMPELLED to take different courses where it was completely outside my comfort level.  I have taken downhill ski lessons, tennis lessons (most recently) and improv acting classes.....all of these 'failed miserably' as far as being adept at the sport or activity AND YET


my POINT was NOT to excel at the was only to step out of my comfort zone and unearth another level of my Self...which I did...and gained SO MUCH from and on so many levels.

So what is next for me?
NEVER MIND..... !!!!

What is next for you?

.... am going to check of at LEAST 2-3 boxes of the following to complete over the next  6 months!
I know I stand to gain exponentially from placing my Self OUTSIDE THE BOX!

JOIN ME!  and FEEL THE POWER of something NEW!

What do YOU promise??!

Feel free to CHOOSE from the following or ...follow your own heart;

a)dragon boating
b)tennis anyone?
c)golf lessons
e)rock climbing
h)improv acting classes
i)pottery/jewellery classes
k)book club
n)geo caching
p)jet skiing
r)zip lining
s)bird watching
v)cliff diving
x)watching the sun rise
y)watching the sun set
z)loving and celebrating your Self.

My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience. 
Click here to order your copy. 
Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald

Join me on   Facebook!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Take the High road.. & walk with your Angels

Take the HIGH road.
As Archangel Raphael surrounds us in a glow of his peaceful green healing energy - what a WONDER-FULL day we have!  We are grateful for his presence with us as he reminds us quite simply to keep our thoughts on a high vibration and to not give 'air time' to any negative thoughts that try to push themselves in - in an attempt to 'derail' us from the Path that we know we want to be on....the HIGH road!  :)  

No matter what obstacles may come your way, either real or perceived - STAY ON the high road!  and when your thoughts try to take a downward turn...TURN THAT BUS AROUND and get right back on the High road. 

On the high road we travel with our Angels and Guides and all the great energy that really takes us places!  The high road takes us to places we want to go.... with people we want to travel with!  

Stay on the High road with your Angels and....EN-JOY the view! 

My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience. 
Click here to order your copy. 
Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald

Join me on   Facebook!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Olympic Angels

Olympic Angels.  I am always reminded during our Olympic games of how FORTUNATE we are to be able to witness our Olympic Angels-the athletes, the families and friends of the athletes, the volunteers, the fans that travel to the venue, the  millions of us that watch on tv and listen on the radio and stream it live on our various 'screens'.
We are reminded that no matter what country, what sport, what athlete or what team.....we are the same.  World wide.  Our souls are the same.  AND our Olympic games make it CRYSTAL CLEAR to all of us that we are so.   Our world is so small and when we cut through all the 'busy busy' day to day STUFF and atrocities that politically and economically we hear about around the globe....

....ultimately, we are all the same soul and we are all supportive of each other regardless of which corner of the world we are currently residing....AND THAT....

Thank you to ALL of the Olympic Angels....and yes, I MEAN YOU!  Cheer loudly for all the world to hear you :)  You are not alone!

My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience. 
Click here to order your copy. 
Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald

Join me on   Facebook!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Having a 'Bad day'?

Are you having a bad hair day?
It's ok.
We all have them.
Bad hair days, bad attitude days, bad relationship days, bad days at the office.    They ALL of us.
So get over it!
Don't hide from them and CERTAINLY DO NOT decide never to get involved in; another office debate, another relationship, another hair salon :)

'Bad hair days' are what makes the 'good hair days'......EXCEPTIONAL.  Period.

Without the 'bad hair days' we would simply be unable to appreciate the SHEER MAGIC of other days.   MANY other days that are simply....magic.  Enjoy them!!!!  EN-JOY them.

It doesn't mean you won't have another 'downer day'.   You definitely will.  (ooooh, sorry ~ that even stung to type it!)
We all have 'downer days' but when we are able to 'weather the storm', our sun shines even brighter for us the next day!

Shining Angel Light your way.

My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience. 
Click here to order your copy. 
Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald

Join me on   Facebook!

Monday, February 3, 2014


So many times on our Life path we spend time looking for the way, our path, the Light.
What should I do?  What decision is the 'right' one? Where should I go?
So many choices and few.

This is what it feels like to move through life - in the dark.   We can go to all kinds of analogies from versions of 'Pin the tail on the donkey' where life has us blindfolded, spins us around and around and then sets us loose to try to 'win the day'.  
Another example of this type of confusion is trying to win a game of darts....after someone has turned out the lights.  
No, thank you.

The common denominator here is .... either we are being blindfolded or someone has turned out the lights.  Either way...WE CAN NOT SEE.

To move forward powerfully.....HOLD move forward AT ALL... we need to SEE.

To see... we need light.  To see where we need to 'pin the tail on the donkey' we need to have our blindfold off and to 'have our head on straight' (STOP SPINNING ME!!  :)
and to have a clear shot at a game of darts....someone needs to snap on the lights to give us a fighting chance!

This is how life is and THIS is how our Angels work with us also.   If we are in a situation where 'the lights are off' .... we need to find a situation where 'the lights are on' to ensure that we are able to move forward.  

It's just that simple.  If we can't see - we can't progress.

Once you have positioned your Self and you are able to move forward powerfully and with feel calmer and stronger and healthier and....more your Self.  


Never mind, it DOES GET BETTER.

NOW, you ARE Light.

You have experienced what it is to try to navigate in the Dark.  (Who? Where? WHAT IS HAPPENING?)  and you have also experienced what it is to find your way clear of there and bask in the Light.  

In the Light, all things are Right.

SO! NOW you can BE THE LIGHT...for others.    FEEL it, BE it and SHINE your LIGHT for all of those around as only you can do.  

Shining Light into your pathway and into your Lighthouse  -  Shine BRIGHTLY!

My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience. 
Click here to order your copy. 
Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald

Join me on   Facebook!

February Newsletter - A WHOLE NEW 'LIFE STYLE'

CLICK HERE to be 're-directed' to 

My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience. 
Click here to order your copy. 
Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald

Join me on   Facebook!