Monday, December 18, 2023

IT IS! a Great Day. LET'S get it goin' ok? ... let's figure it out !!

  thing is all starts with what you feel inside. 

IT IS just as easy as a lukewarm cup of coffee and a napkin for you to 


that is all is takes. Hear's time. (it's ok I just took a 'heavy sigh' so you can too but it is time). Very often this means work ...but ....this time is different. trust me. 

It is SO TIME FOR THIS that it will take MORE EFFORT for you to CONTINUE to ignore the fact that you need to pay attention to the 'thing' that has been 'at you' for awhile. 

It may be physical wellness, activity, time with family and friends, dreams (which sometimes we have not allowed our Selves to hold in our's time...all things are possible BELIEVE...your Angels are with you) for all of us (many of us) it is to be able to give more of our Selves to others...and well, for some it is to give more time of 'our daily' to our Self.

How (as we go forward ) can we spend more time effectively to make our own physical, mental and emotional Self stronger?)...IT IS IMPORTANT that we think about this. 

Thing's not just about a magic wand for any of's really just about a thought at a time, then a step, then another step and then...together...we will be there. 

Believe. MEANWHILE....GET GOING with your steps. !!! 

It DOES come down to you... ***your Angels are with you. 

and so am I you All. 

let's go. today. make it count. 

Blessings and Angel Light to and for all. 


Thursday, December 7, 2023


Let's talk shall we...he is Protection 

The Protector Defender

And He Is The First In My Series Of Introducing The Angels. 

Yes! Archangel Michael ...huh. He is actually a big deal. feel it. 

He has been working with you for a while (your whole life actually). 

See how you can 'call on him' to work for you even more powerfully 

(if you choose...join my video)..


It is JUST PART OF MY DAY to ask him CONVERSATIONALLY (AGAIN...the video) in 'my daily' protect and 


ONLY POSITIVE Energy. is allowed . 

under the Umbrella. 

thank you Archangel Michael. 

Join me ? and Archangel Michael. 

Love you all , 

So do your Angels

Monday, December 4, 2023

The ANGELS!! THEY are SHOUTING at you! Can you hear them??!!


WHAT do they have to do to get your attention?

I posted this picture BECAUSE understand immediately that they are here. You (and I) see these Angel wings as a symbol. Clear as day. good. happy. 

Sometimes they are not as clear...not as simplified and EASILY recognizable . REST ASSURED....


they are there. they are here. they are with you ...always. 

They, many times come in 'strange' ways...'round the corner' ways.

The ways where you catch your Self saying after the fact....wait a minute...whoa...ok. thanks. In the words that others share with you in casual conversation, a random phone call, a news snippet or something you see in social media that is positive and affirming...

and sometimes it feels like someone has their hand on your shoulder....for me it feels like a hand on my upper back between my shoulder blades...I know they are there. 

And MANY can feel like they are NOT WITH me.  I don't see anything 'magically' happening in my pathway or in 'my daily'. I don't FEEL any hand on my shoulder or back but

I STILL KNOW that I WILL feel this. and therefore I am able to continue to put one foot in front of the other to get through the 'crazy'...they are still watching out for me that's why I am still able to put one foot in front of the other...ok , good. got it. 

ok. are we good? Your ANGELS  are with you whether you can feel them, hear them or see them. 

BUT!!! pay attention to phone calls and people offering to help  AND  REACH out to ask for help. BIG DEAL guys. 

Love you all and so do your Angels....always


Wednesday, November 22, 2023



C'mon everyone. Hear this ...AT LEAST hear that there is new opportunity for you! 
Will it be fun? Yes of course...Will it be 'rolled out for you'?! 

No. of course not. 

It will require effort and LISTENING 
and WATCHING for the 'bread crumbs' that your Angels are leaving for you to PICK UP and find your pathway forward through the woods.....are you ready? 

WELL....the Nature Angels have your back if you are willing to step forward. 
Love you all so do your Angels, 

Thursday, November 16, 2023



Paying attention…

Claircognizance - Inner knowing - don’t ignore it…your ‘knee-jerk reactions’ ….your eye glance to the umbrella at the door….

and most times we ignore that...and later it rains. YES. it can be simple things and then it can also be ...inner knowings like 'I don’t want to be here in this situation'…uncomfortableness (at best)  drrrrr….but then 

People who are intuitive develop the knee jerk response to certain situations where they may feel  inner 'head talk'...questions or uncomfortable feelings. THIS IS WHEN the 20 questions step in a small way sometimes.  We will talk much more about these questions and how to navigate as we progress. 

When different or difficult situations are presented to you...The Intuitive people who are connected (and KNOW that they are)  KNOW THAT THEY CAN connect with their Claircognizance will have ‘almost’ an immediate reaction (however it can also take a minute so allow your Self to pause in your step and your speech)….

And then say ‘That’s interesting and thank you.  I need to sit with this and see if it RESONATES…can I get back to you?’

**Sometimes Claircognizance KICKS IN right away and your INNER KNOWING tells you what the answer is immediately…and sometimes as we say - 

‘I need to see if it resonates’.  

*Not unlike a boiling kettle or percolating coffee pot The answer needs some time to gets to its destination.  The answer comes through Claircognizance (gut feeling/inner knowing) - give it some time. 

The questions you ask your Self ?

Please understand as I always go in to ’20 Question mode’ when working with the Angels and also Intuition

-is this the right thing? *gut feeling please kick in!  Yes or no. (In my experience, if it feels like the ‘wrong’ thing for my path I’ll know immediately. If it is the right thing then I would feel an excitement or potentially and more often nothing (but not foreboding) and so there were no ‘warning signs’ claircognizantly. That’s a ‘go ahead’ in my experience.

-how does this make me feel? Happy or worried. 

So for this we are clearly taking about EMOTIONS which is different from our previous question when we were asking our Claircognizance to connect with our HEAD space - what makes sense Logistically. 

Now we are talking about FEELINGS.  

(*sometimes I have been worried emotionally however the answer I also have received is that for now this is the right thing - I can always ‘check in’ later)

-overall, in this decision when I picture ‘a day in the life of’…am I able to breathe deeply and still feel this is good for the moment. 

*any decision we make can and will always be ‘ever flowing and always evolving’.  We can always do our best and as well more easily when we are connected Intuitively…and for those who this resonates with also with our Angels. 

Love you all and so do your Angels,


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Calling on YOU! Your INTUITION. Are you tuned in?


Calling on YOU! Your INTUITION.       Are you tuned in? 

Thing is ...



It's important to understand how you have these incredible abilities within you. 

  Join me. 

Love you all 


so do your Angels, 


Monday, October 23, 2023

Right...ok! where is your EMOTIONAL Energy much is going in/out?


Right...ok! where is your EMOTIONAL Energy much is going in/out?  

The THING is....this is incredibly important in 'our daily' 

Where is your Emotional Energy at...what is going in...what is going out?  The thing 'daily' needs to be assessed on an ongoing basis.  

Listen, MANY of the amazing people I have been blessed to know...make it a priority to SHINE out to others. 

Some times I fall short. Some times, some days I fall WAY SHORT! lol....but it is still my intention. 

C'mon guys, you get it. MOST DAYS when your intentions are good then you are able to make 'some kind'  of help to others.  

From an Energy perspective...AND an Angel perspective...understand that YOU...ARE in a vehicle. An Emotional, Mental and Physical Energetic Vehicle.  More than likely, if you are continuing to read on then you are an Old Soul. 

You already understand that for your Vehicle (your triangle...your thoughts, feelings and physical Self) to be in need to share more with others. 

Share more of your thoughts and actions with your community. 

As we share...then others will share and so on and so on.  

Share openly, often and LOUDLY with others. Share your FULL heart. 

know why? 

Then YOUR HEART (and your mental, emotional and physical Self) GROWS STRONGER. 

Every One wins. 

Shine on. Love you do your Angels.
