Friday, August 26, 2022

Where are YOUR Angel wings....well? wow...where do we start?!

 Okay HEAR me out here.  Do you have wings? YES ABSOLUTELY 100%.  ....but do you really?

There are a few different 'LEVELS' we are talking about when the Angels are speaking to us who have our BOOTS ON THE GROUND. 

For those New/Newer Souls of course you have (we ALL do) have our Angels wings AROUND US....they always have our back...they are always surrounding us with protection that is....for those who know how to ask for it.  *Simple...just ask your mind. They are there. 

For the Older Souls...well you KNOW. You have been sharing Angel Energy and wisdom for a TIME. The thing is when you are actually connected with the 15 Archangels...then you absolutely feel your Wings. 

but C'mon it's a BIG DEAL that WE all have WINGS .... that is, we all have Wings available to us when we need them (which hopefully is often! ) 

New/newer Souls can 'call in' Energy whenever they need it (as long as they believe).  Any and EVERY time you extend Angel Energy (healing, love, empathy, compassion)...then you are sharing Angel Energy. Feel your Wings. 

YOU (at this point) ARE the 'boots on the ground' to share this Energy on behalf of the Angels. Believe me...they thank you.

Do you feel it? Do you Feel your Wings? 

*Quick share .... I personally don't feel it every moment because I get 'caught up' sometimes in 'the daily'...but my Angels are quick to ignite my 'knee jerk reaction' to catch my Self and set me on the high road...with an ENERGY RESET. 

IT'S a big Deal to Energy Reset so we can feel the Angel Wings around us and BELIEVE. C'mon guys. 


Share some good Energy. Be that. and FEEL the Angel wings around you. 

It's all good. 

Stacey...and of course the Angels

Sunday, August 21, 2022

MEET your Guardian Angel. Period. THIS IS WHAT they do



Do you ever think about 'the busy' in your head.  The CONSTANT .....well, where shall we start...

our heads? unfortunately our Life Force Energy is generally lower than it should be so the Four Big Energy Blockers as I call them can come in: 

Fear, Doubt, Worry & Guilt

This makes our head BUSY and our Emotions beyond.  The other thing that plays a factor here is what is going on AROUND US. Other people's 'stuff (huh) nauseam

GOOD NEWS!  You have your Guardian Angel. Can you see? 

The LEFT HAND IS UP!  Blocking all 'the busy'.  Doesn't matter...for your daily, FEEL it. 

It's about the RIGHT HAND ok? 

The right hand is holding a hand up to the ear like THEY CAN'T HEAR YOU. 

Got it. of course. 

They can't hear you because of 'the busy'....'the stuff'. 

It's ok...they will wait to hear from you. 

Try this;  "Guardian Angel, thank you for clearing all of the stuff that seems to be blocking my way forward. Please continue to. Thanks for listening for me to share with you. I will do so soon. I will look to have daily (or more often) mindful conversations with you as to how you can help me to be well in every area of my life; emotionally, mentally and physically. By the way....DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE THERE the whole time.  OKAY....this changes a lot!" 


so on the's more conversational. SERIOUSLY your Guardian Angel is LITERALLY waiting for you to share and ask for guidance and for healing....and more. 

I love you all and so do your Angels of course, 


Saturday, August 20, 2022

So you think you can do it this time? Yes! The TRAIN OF CHANGE is here for you...

So you think you can do it this time? Yes! The TRAIN OF CHANGE is here for you...

The thing is it takes COURAGE to get on the train.  

The 'Angel train of CHANGE' pulls in to the station on a regular.  

what.  You think you're the first person to sit on this bench?  wow. 


absolutely not.  and you won't be the last...of course when you ACTUALLY get on the train then not only will you be filled with confidence to bring you along your will also be an inspiration to the next person. 

Your Angels thank you. 

I know it's not the first time or even the 3rd time or even the 10th time you've sat on this bench...but this time is different.  it is. 

THIS CHANGE is all about personal relationships, health and physical choices, educational choices, career decisions....tough conversations with your self and some times with others...its just that

This time you can FEEL IT. you are getting on the train ... you KNOW the changes you need to make and your Angels are willing to help you all the way. 

THESE ARE POSITIVE CHANGES you are making. make sure. does it feel right. your Angels will help you with this. 

I know it's difficult to get on the train....because making positive change means hard work, hard conversations and big steps (that sometimes feel backwards...but they're NOT) in many cases. 

you can always get off at the next stop (and start again I know some have done this before past years I've done it (many times) myself...) but eventually it JUST FEELS RIGHT to get ON the train together with the Angels and STICK THE LANDING . 


It's tough...but NOT AS TOUGH as continuing to wait on...the next....train....and then the next....train. 

Your Angel train is pulling in.  You got this. 

Just STEP BY STEP....take a minute...take a deep breath

GET on the TRAIN. 

LOVE you all and so do your Angels, 


Stacey....and of course them....the Angels