Saturday, April 27, 2013

KEEP IT REAL, Angel Friends!

Keep things strong and straight and true.
It's not that fact, keeping this IN MIND and IN PRACTICE is one of, if not the VERY SIMPLEST 'modes of operation' that we can adhere to.
If things are not right, say so. (They may BE RIGHT, however if you FEEL they are not so....SAY SO.  You ARE ALLOWED to express your opinion)
If things ARE right, say so. (MY GLASS IS HALF FULL! awesome)
If you have made a mistake, apologize.
If you have persevered and won, SHOUT IT OUT! (look for those who celebrate WITH you! SO awesome!)
If you have been gifted with 'random great success' (or even 'sidedoor abundance') SHARE IT!
If you are incredibly lost, sad, alone, fearful....SHARE THIS!  Your burden will be lighter, guaranteed.

Common denominator for keeping it strong and straight and true?  Communication.  SHARE. Good AND BAD.....share.  There are more people around you to listen than you think....(I see some raised eyebrows....)  Right, well - to the doubters - start SHARING ....HONESTLY......and you'll see where I am getting at :)  
Thank you for listening to me - WHILE i  am SHARING.

Life is meant to be simple.  Life *physical Life Path*, can be weird, strange, wonderful, blissful and VERY random.....enJOY it for those VERY points and !! go with the flow.  :)

Shining into your flow today and all days - Keep it true and keep it real Angel friends!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Energy & Meditation

What a DYNAMITE group we had this evening for our Energy Healing Meditation The Clarity Centre !! Thank you for sharing your powerful healing energy in a very cleansing and meaningful way - as well as the discussion/question period, we all learned from each other tonight.
 I very much look forward to connecting with each of you again, till then, many blessings to you all.

 Stacey MacDonald - Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA


Today holds with it the energy of the Lunar Eclipse partnered together with our full moon!
While the eclipse portion will not be visible in my area (I am in Toronto, Canada and for our time zone the eclipse takes place this afternoon) for my friends in Australia and parts 'over there' they will be able to see our partial lunar eclipse very nicely.
For us, we may not be able to SEE it but we can ABSOLUTELY FEEL it and take full advantage of this great opportunity to RELEASE.
Release any emotions, old habits, practiced behaviours, addictions (including an 'addiction to negative self talk'  - BE GONE!) poor posture, laziness, self sabotage, relationships that TAKE-TAKE-TAKE,  the 'need' to be 'attached' to our digital devices (including our laptops.....but I will just finish this post first!) cetera.
Write these intentions down.  ALL of them.  Write a big long list and keep writing all day, into the night and even tomorrow morning the energy will still be 'hanging around' ready to CLEANSE away and out of your personal energy field.
Don't worry your Self about REPLACING with good habits, relationships, behaviours etc just yet.  This is a job for the NEW MOON phase....waaaaiiittttt fooooor iiiiit.....   :)

EnJOY the feeling of being cleansed. Let your energy sit in limbo for awhile and get used to the new feelings of being FREE of issues, mindsets, situations, perceived obligations, relationships .... that held you back.   Feel your Self 'hanging around the starting line before the race begins'.  You are limbering up, stretching out, enjoying the solitude and the freedom that this FRESH START is having on your own personal energy, your connection with Self, your extending the olive branch to your inner child, your embracing of your Self unfettered by past frustrations and busy-busy expectations of future.
Simply BE.
BE CLEANSED of any and everything that comes into your awareness today.

  • Write your intentions down. "I release ___________________________"
  • Keep your list in your mind. 
  • Make a cup of tea and sit out under your Full moon tonight. 
  • Stare up at the moon, sip your tea, re-read your list if you like or think about your points. 
  • See, feel and sense each of your intentions simply washing away from you. 
  • You are ALLOWED to wash away energy that does not serve YOU on your personal journey. 
  • (You get your own shot at contentment on your physical journey - TAKE IT!)
  • Some like to burn their list in the fireplace, cut into pieces with scissors...I'm a 'shredder' :)
  • When you are ready, go back inside
  • Breathe deeply
  • Smile
Smiling and shining at you today and TONIGHT :)  

Stacey MacDonald - Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA

Monday, April 22, 2013

Healing Energy meditation - Thursday April 25 7pm

Join me this Thursday!
Energy Healing Meditation Evening
Thursday April 25  7 pm  $20

This Thursday holds with it the energy of our Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which is an incredible opportunity for us to RELEASE habits, behaviours, obstacles, negative thoughts and any other unwanted energies that are blocking our Life Path.
 I welcome you to join me for an Energy Healing Meditation where we will welcome emotional freedom, increase our Life Force Energy setting us on our path to Abundance on all levels!
A discussion, question & answer period will follow for those interested. 
I look forward to connecting with you!
-Stacey MacDonald

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Are you 'wrestling' with a Decision? HEAR THIS!

Are you trying to make a decision?  Do you keep going back and forth, over it and over it, arguing this way and then answering the other way.....well, you are not alone! At times we have all felt like we are STUCK IN ONE SPOT because we JUST CAN'T DECIDE which way to go.
We DO NOT want to make a mistake.
We DO NOT want to make 'the wrong decision'.
Our Angels will speak through us and around us and come into our awareness in many different ways. Just the other day I was wrestling with a decision when I was reminded of a quote from Teddy Roosevelt;

“In any moment of decision, 

the best thing you can do is the right thing,

 the next best thing is the wrong thing,

and the worst thing you can do is nothing”

Recently when I faced a difficult decision, I shared and reasoned it out with my Self and my circle of supporters and eventually voiced out loud as the situation was resolving;

 "While I am not entirely sure that making this move is 'the RIGHT move', I KNOW within my Self that DOING NOTHING AT ALL is entirely 'the WRONG move'.  It is with this in mind that I step forward confidently accepting that the results of this decision will be entirely favourable and/or will provide stepping stones to guide me further into my positive and powerful Life Path."

When faced with a need to make a decision - AND we are faced with this situation ALL THE TIME - we need to trust, we need to have faith, we need to believe and we need to keep in mind that not all decisions are 'forever decisions' - IN FACT, very few if any decisions are 'forever decisions'.  We make decisions IN THE MOMENT with the all the facts that we are able to gather in that moment, with our Highest Self acting with us for our best intentions and purpose....period. 

Whatever happens as a result of this is progress and experience. WHATEVER HAPPENS AS A RESULT OF THIS is progress AND experience. 
BOTH good things. 
I needed to say that twice because I need you to hear that in your mind's ear ALL THE TIME.  

Confidently step forward in 'decision time'. Gather your facts and make sure you are connected with your own best intentions IN THE MOMENT. Make your decisions and breathe deeply.  
You are on your way. 

Shining Angel Light into your decisions today and every day,

Monday, April 15, 2013

Angels in Boston

Asking our Angels to be ever present with healing and love everywhere in our world where there is support and strength needed - 
in particular we ask our Angels to let themselves be known in BOSTON at this time. 
Sending Angel Light to all.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Meditation with the Angels - THIS Tuesday April 16 7-9 pm $25

MEDITATION WITH THE ANGELS - this Tuesday evening!

Connect with each of the 15 major Archangels and hear the messages they have for us at this time. Learn how to connect with the Angels and develop your own intuition through practical exercises afterwards.  Feel free to bring any Angel questions you might have. I look forward to seeing you!     
TUESDAY  APRIL   April 16   7-9pm   $25
Location: The Clarity Centre

Please CLICK HERE to register - I look forward to connecting with you!

Stacey MacDonald - Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA

Friday, April 12, 2013

One foot forward....then the other.....leads us to NEW EXPERIENCES!

Sometimes it REALLY IS JUST ENOUGH to put one foot in front of the other.
I remember being told that as I was growing up.  Sometimes as a child, I would be whinge-ing and whining, sniveling and carrying on about things "How was I to do this? How was I to do that? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO-oooooooooOOOOO!!!"  and such.
Sometimes as an adult, I would be doing the same thing....sometimes  as an adult, I DOOOOOoooo the same thing.....much as I am shamed to admit it.... :)
However, I take solace in the fact that I am among good company.
So, back to my point. Very often, each and every situation can be solved by 'putting one foot in front of the other'.  This invariably leads us to new pathways and new experiences and can most often lead to    new solutions to old problems.

Suddenly, (after a few steps, and then a few steps more...)
we KNOW what to DO-ooooooooOOOOOO!
Knowing what to do, where to go and how to get there and feeling comfortable and powerful, successful and joyful doing so - IS THE POINT.

SO, get going!!  ONE FOOT, THEN THE OTHER....get going!  It is not important AT THIS MOMENT to know where EITHER FOOT is leading you....just BEGIN.
Remember that your Angels and guides and all of your guardian souls are walking with you....and so am I.
Shining my Light out to yours as always and reminding you to SHINE ON!

Stacey MacDonald - Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Angel Reiki

Are you already a Reiki Master?

Angel Reiki
Tibetan Advanced Reiki Training    

In this one day course, Reiki Masters will learn the following;
·         receive Tibetan Personal Mastery Symbol for healing
·         be attuned to each of the five Tibetan healing symbols
·         how to work with energy in the Hara
·         intensify healing treatments using the Hui Yin and Violet Breath
·         how to do an Etheric Cleansing or psychic surgery
·         learn the Microcosmic Orbit
·         Reiki Healing Attunements including practical time
·         incorporate Angel Healing to your  Reiki sessions
·         practical time on 'how to conduct a full Reiki session' using new symbols and Angel Reiki
·         Questions and discussion time

Class is limited to 4 participants to ensure one-on-one attention and practise time. Participants will receive their Angel Reiki certificate as a Tibetan Advanced Reiki Healer.
Course timeframe 5 hrs.
*prerequisite - participants must hold their Usui Reiki Master level from any lineage.
CONTACT ME  for details - I look very forward to hearing from you!

Stacey MacDonald - Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Angel Numbers 888

Feel it  -  know it  - Angel Abundance is on it's way to you.  What kind of abundance?  Physical abundance....increased health and vitality - emotional abundance....calm, peace, joy, contentment - spiritual abundance...a deep connection with Higher Self, guides and Angels....
What is it for you?
It is up to you.  What's that?  You would like to choose (d) All of the above ?
When this number comes into your awareness, either through spying it repeated times on license plates, seeing it come across your desk in various ways - addresses, phone numbers, case files etc or simply 'seeing it' in your mind's eye, dreaming of it, doodling it....this number means Abundance.
Stop THINKING about abundance, dreaming of it, affirming it, wishing for it, hoping for it and so on. When this number comes into your Life path,  ACCEPT IT.  Welcome abundance into your energy ON EVERY LEVEL.

I open my arms wide to RECEIVE Abundance into my path on every level.  Thank you.

It's just that easy.
Sending Angel Abundance into your path way today and every day - RECEIVE it wholeHEARTedly.

Stacey MacDonald - Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA

Monday, April 1, 2013

Stacey MacDonald - April Events and Training

Please CLICK HERE  to view our April Events & Training!

Angel Transformations

As our transformations and new beginnings continue to grow and take hold over our daily routines and thought patterns, we can begin to see a real SHIFT not only in the way we perceive ourselves and not only in the way we perceive others however ALSO we begin to see OBJECTIVELY around us our relationships and situations with something I call 'fresh eyes'.
With 'fresh eyes' we are able to see how others see us, see how others perceive us - we are able to see between the lines and see the TRUTH of the situation/relationship....with 'fresh eyes'.
"Very interesting".....very.
During your personal transformation time, KEEP your fresh perspective on your Self and do not allow old perspectives, perceptions, kneejerk reactions to pull you back to 'where you were'.
Stay focused on your new and FRESH beginning and enJOY this transformative time.  Take your Self to new heights, inwardly and outwardly.

Archangel Ariel is most commonly around us during transformative processes and allows us to feel comfortable and confident as we continue to grow through new opportunities and challenges - trust in her support.  It is however, Archangel Raziel that will assist us in seeing the TRUTH.....allow him to assist you with your 'fresh eyes' and stay confidently focused on your Self and your transformative goals!

Stacey MacDonald - Founder of Angel Light,  Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA