Saturday, January 29, 2022

BUILD your Energy...THIS is how it works.


It's funny in a way. CUZ sometimes we Need to BUILD UP...we have to.

and WHEN I SHARE BUILD UP...IT IS ABOUT building Peace.   in our hearts in our lives...and in the pathways of others....

You see right here in the image that the Zen stones start small and then build...huh...pretty shaky eh? I dunno.

The thing is WE WERE all brought along to believe that IF we build a strong base **FOUNDATION  then WE will be Strong. 

Strong is good . 

The thing is ...the foundation is sometimes 'shaky'... and very often in so many 'stories' (a 'shaky' foundation) this is the BEST. 

You see 'shaky foundation' will BUILD STRENGTH.  This allows us to continue to LEARN and grow through our life.  AS WE DO we are sharing and meeting others.  

**Sometimes we 'hide' when we actually need to GET out there. Learning something new is Key. 

Meeting others and sharing with others in ANY way that you can Build YOUR Shaky Foundation....ROCK SOLID. 

Keep with others learn something share something....geez Louise...

It's ALL are you.  

**KNOW that Everyone starts Small Every DAY .... small steps make a difference.  Love you all and so do your Angels.

Keep shining all, 


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