Monday, April 4, 2016

LOVE...your SELF.......ET AL!!!

SERIOUSLY can life be this easy?
Can we REALLY just SHIFT our minds, our perspectives....our reality to include the fact that...THIS IS ALL WE NEED.

NOW...(needle scratch off the record)....while the picture may depict that LOVE comes from a romantic relationship....this is NOT where it begins...or even where it may end up. While you may already be IN a romantic relationship or if you aspire or are yearning for one...NEVER MIND....**SO MANY SOULMATE RELATIONSHIPS are possible and probable within EVERY life path....HOWEVER (were your waiting for that?  (*I love doing that!)  A soulmate relationship will NEVER happen for you ....(drrrrr harsh! but true) ... if you do not already love your Self completely. NOW...

do we love our Selves 100% of the time....ish, it's tough!! and in my world...I live on an 80/20 perspective...(#keepsmereal)  Sorry, I live with teenage boys, all good!! haha!!
Seriously though,

PLEASE HEAR ME when I say that...

true love begins at home

Please ALSO hear me when I say that when I mean HOME....I MEAN 'within'. 

WE MUST love our SELF. Period. 

When we are able to love our Self, respect our Self, appreciate our Self and HONOUR our SELF....then ALL THINGS in every area of our life becomes easier...simpler...MORE ENJOYABLE. 

Simple as that? YES!  
GET started today and FIND ONE THING every day that you really LOVE about your Self. 

Let that relationship grow, bloom and increase to heights that you never knew possible....


Sending love, appreciation and respect to you! 

To find out how to connect with all of the Angels for yourself and others -
 Check out my online training course - Become an ALCP - Angel Light Certified practitioner  

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