Olympic Angels. I am always reminded during our Olympic games of how FORTUNATE we are to be able to witness our Olympic Angels-the athletes, the families and friends of the athletes, the volunteers, the fans that travel to the venue, the millions of us that watch on tv and listen on the radio and stream it live on our various 'screens'.
We are reminded that no matter what country, what sport, what athlete or what team.....we are the same. World wide. Our souls are the same. AND our Olympic games make it CRYSTAL CLEAR to all of us that we are so. Our world is so small and when we cut through all the 'busy busy' day to day STUFF and atrocities that politically and economically we hear about around the globe....
....ultimately, we are all the same soul and we are all supportive of each other regardless of which corner of the world we are currently residing....AND THAT....
Thank you to ALL of the Olympic Angels....and yes, I MEAN YOU! Cheer loudly for all the world to hear you :) You are not alone!
My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience.
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Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald
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Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald
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Contact Stacey MacDonald for an Intuitive Coaching session, Angel Reading, Energy Healing orAkashic Records Reading www.staceymacdonald.ca