Friday, February 21, 2014

Take the High road.. & walk with your Angels

Take the HIGH road.
As Archangel Raphael surrounds us in a glow of his peaceful green healing energy - what a WONDER-FULL day we have!  We are grateful for his presence with us as he reminds us quite simply to keep our thoughts on a high vibration and to not give 'air time' to any negative thoughts that try to push themselves in - in an attempt to 'derail' us from the Path that we know we want to be on....the HIGH road!  :)  

No matter what obstacles may come your way, either real or perceived - STAY ON the high road!  and when your thoughts try to take a downward turn...TURN THAT BUS AROUND and get right back on the High road. 

On the high road we travel with our Angels and Guides and all the great energy that really takes us places!  The high road takes us to places we want to go.... with people we want to travel with!  

Stay on the High road with your Angels and....EN-JOY the view! 

My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience. 
Click here to order your copy. 
Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald

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