Thursday, March 10, 2016

Time for a change?

What did you want to learn....way back when....before things got really crazy busy and your mind had time to wander?
What did you want to study...or create...or be a part of a team on?  Is it a hobby? or a course? or a sporting activity?

Sometimes, life slows down or changes just subtly enough....or DRASTICALLY and ABRUPTLY...regardless of how it is happening - this can be a very real way for your Angels to connect with you.   Very often this is a way that your Angels are urging you to 'pick up your life again'!  Find ways in which to honour yourself and your inner child and your curious side and your 'need to know more information' side.

Take this time to 'get back to being you'.
Who is this person....'you'?   Well, know you have some time to find out.  Allow yourself to be curious and explore your neighbourhood ... and your online neighbourhood and see which articles or events catch your attention.  GO TO THEM!  Reach out to other people who have like minded interests.  Make new friends while keeping up with the 'old' friends (ONLY the fun ones!)

Allow yourself some time to ease into this NEW way of being, of thinking, of acting, of exploring --- of learning to live again!  Have fun with it, honour yourself always and enJOY!

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