Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome your Angels into 2014!

Good morning 'first day of 2014'!
We are glad, SO GLAD to be here....(finally) in 2014.
The year of 2013 has closed - our year of 'planting seeds' for a harvest, when?  how? where will be reaping the rewards?
(In 2013, some of us were asking our Angels these questions again and again and the answer was always the same, 'Doesn't matter, keep planting!!')

Our Angels are very clear with their answer now that the dust has settled and we are here on the starting line of 2014.  We will reap some rewards of our harvest in THIS year.  So, RELAX!  TAKE A DEEP BREATH!
There WILL BE RESULTS this year - there will be a harvest!
That doesn't necessarily mean you stop 'planting your seeds' in the ground.
You have now MASTERED this skill after last years 'stick-to-it-iveness'... might as well KEEP GOING!
The DIFFERENCE is .... along the way there will also now be rewards for your effort that not only keep your spirits up and offer you plenty of support, love, friendship and FUN over the months to come - there will also be success in business / career  and relationships as well.

ALL THIS??!  Yes, why not?!

Together with your Angels you know how to build a plan, STICK TO A PLAN .... AND you also know how to allow them to shift your perspective and open up your awareness enough to be know that ~
no matter what topic we are speaking of - relationships, career, business, friendships - not all solutions and rewards follow our original plan....sometimes the best solutions, opportunities and rewards come to us in unexpected ways.
Especially when we are working with our Angels!

The Angel process for successful people looks a little like this;

1. Ask your Angels for assistance
2. Follow your Angels/inner guidance to build a plan
3. FEEL your Angel's support as you STICK TO YOUR PLAN and TRUST in their guidance
4. Allow your mind to be open to new opportunities and 'twists' in the plan
5. SEE the progress as you go along and FIND answers in expected AND unexpected ways
Result? No matter what area of your life you have asked for assistance with;  you have Success!

BECAUSE we KNOW our Angels are working with us AND we believe and trust in this process....more success and Angelic support keeps COMING OUR WAY.


*side-note:   the 'other' thing we can expect more of in 2014 is more 'made-up words'.....especially like 'stick to-it-iveness'.   Particularly if you keep reading my blog posts ;)

Thank you for joining me as we embark on this fabulous and most power-full year,  2014!
Together with your Angels,
Have a BEAUTY-full   'first day'!

My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience. 
Click here to order your copy. 
Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald

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