Thursday, June 6, 2013

Manifest Abundance! - This Saturday - Here's the 'HOW TO'

This year I putting quite a lot of emphasis on following the moon cycles and how that can help you, not only to release that which may be holding you back but also ask in to your life that which you wish to attain. 
SO! It's 'that time' again!  It's  a New Moon on Saturday.  This is a powerful opportunity for you to;
  • Connect with your Truth  'It is interesting to me that we do not have to be 'consciously aware' of our Truth necessarily however by engaging in a mindful breathing exercise or meditation we are able to let our Truth simply BE within us and guide us intuitively'
  • GROUND your Self to the Earth - this translates to many things and in this instance our focus is on  'Meditation/Mindful breathing to ground your Self to your purpose, feel strength in doing so, calm your mind and actions and find clarity of purpose so that you are able to take positive and surefooted action steps forward along your Path'
  • Ask for Abundance 'Make a list (this can be done following a meditation time to clear your mind of the day's 'noise' prior to settling down to write) of those things that you would like to manifest in your Path. These can be material items, new skills, new/shifted relationships, healing etc  Be sure that when your intentions are pure, whatever comes into your mind at this time is your Soul speaking out through you.
Regularly you are able to 'Connect with your Truth' and 'Ground your Self'  through meditation and mindful breathing HOWEVER with the powerful energy we have surrounding our Selves energetically tomorrow and of course Saturday - we are able to increase the frequency of this connection. 
Make your list today, tomorrow or early Saturday and simply have the list in your awareness over the weekend. Whether you place it in a spot where you can see it regularly, holding it with you while you take a few moments for your Mindful breathing exercise/meditation or think of it now and then as you go through each day - you are connecting your energy with your list of Manifestations.  
After the weekend, I like to keep my list folded up or rolled up, date the outside of it and then keep it in a box on a little table of 'my things'.  Every so often, I check back through the box, see the oldest date, open up that paper and 'check off' the items that I am currently enjoying in my physical life - the very same things that I listed and manifested 'many moons ago' !!

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 Stacey MacDonald - Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Founder of Stacey M Angel Light, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA

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