Sunday, September 4, 2022

Angel Clouds....have you ever seen this?

THE thing IS... YOU have. seen these clouds. many times. 

I am in Canada (and I love all the folks from all over the globe I connect with here on my blog) however I recognize ALL of us in every country, in every nation, on every continent...have seen these clouds.  up in the sky and these happen many times and we don't even notice...except sometimes WE DO NOTICE.  

it's nice. the clouds are nice. it's beautiful. 

GLOBALLY we see the same beautiful clouds and WE ALL notice them at some point....and then just go on with our day. 

That's what we all are doing. ALL of us. 

Just like ALL of us are recognizing that while we look after our neighbours in our local community (looking up at the same clouds) that others GLOBALLY are doing the same. 

We are all the same except that WE CAN RECOGNIZE that our positive thoughts and Angel prayers can make a difference to be sure. 

 EVERY time ALL OF US GLOBALLY see any kind of cloud in the sky....know (that at some point today or tomorrow) that WE ALL are seeing the same cloud from very different types of situations.....locally and globally. 

Let the sky be our 'sameness' ....we can ALL see it.  Send good things...your Angels are sending this to YOU. Send it to others. 

IT'S a big deal guys .... send good things.

Love you all and so do your Angels, 


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