Monday, August 23, 2021

huh...NEW beginnings have a 'different' way of showing up sometimes...

 Ya know? 

Here's the thing.  Every single day (actually every single moment but let's 'dial it down' for just now) - 

we get a 'a new beginning'. 

THIS is what the DAWN of every day affords us. 

 hmmm...let's take this a step further as the 'DAWNING' OF  our awareness can happen at any time.  

*JUST LIKE the dawning of a new day...sometimes (many times) it's just not THAT spectacular...unless you are looking for it.  Ok. absolutely and many days I have to share I am not always looking in that direction.  BUT...I always ALWAYS can feel the Energy.  

Sometimes the DAWNING of a new day simply takes our breath away!  It is unbelievable that we are able to be in this moment of time!   Truly blessed!! 

I have found that (in hindsight) that the most monumental TURNING POINTS in my life was when I was going through the most tumultuous times ...AND at the same time...NOTICED the dawn of a new day...REGARDLESS of whether it was 'amazing' or not. 

The point was AND IS....we have today to make a difference. 

Always together with our Angels. 

Love you all

And so do your Angels, 


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