Friday, March 26, 2021

DO you ever hear MUSIC playing in your head? *Angel message! you? 

Here's the thing...WHEN not IF you have music playing in your head then THIS is an Angel message. 

This can be ANYTHING up to a lyric...a couple of bars in the song...the ENTIRE SONG lol or even just the name of the song repeating in your memory or mind imagery. 

Your Angels can be doing a number of things through this time of messaging.  

  • getting your attention through the lyrics. Do these 'words' mean anything to you at this time? 
  • building your Spirit up by providing a sense of upbeat Energy within your own Mind's ear
  • hearing music/lyrics which allow your Self to feel comfort
  • a title (or artist(s)) that is close to your heart and therefore feel a connection with to comfort & 'remind'
  • 'random' songs on the radio or when someone shares with you a song that they love ...or even when we pop on our streaming service and our favourite album shows up!  
These are ALL ways in which our Angels are GETTING OUR ATTENTION and letting us know that they are there SUPPORTING us and UPLIFTING US whenever they can and how they can.  

MOST interesting to me is that I very often hear songs in my head that remind me of a time in my life...that brings back a memory 'for some reason'.  This sometimes can bring back a good memory and a 'feel good'  (we all love those!) 

However it is most interesting to me when I hear a song that brings back some uncomfortable feelings.  For example?  One of my most unfavourite songs is 'Stairway to Heaven' (ironically lol!!). Now before everyone does the 'pile on' I do know it is an amazing piece.  It is just the memories that this song brings back.  This was always the last song at every high school dance...and I was never asked to dance. ever.  (sad but true!) BUT NOW...WHEN I hear this song on the radio it takes me back to that place (14/15/16 years old) and I remember if I was strong then I can be strong now.  

Things change. CONFIDENCE GROWS.  
The Angels send messages in all sorts of's so important to understand how to interpret the messages they are sending.  

Archangel Sandalphon specifically is at work here.  Among other things he is the Archangel working with us, teaching and supporting through music.  **Kindness is AT WORK HERE.  FEEL IT. 

**for those NOT HEARING MUSIC?? You have an ANGEL PRESCRIPTION to LISTEN to more music.  Radio, streaming service, spa channel on your tv, (old cassettes?? lol and/or CDs)....or the NEW/old (reborn) version ....LPs....the GOLD of listening. 
For me I love my playlist on my phone....AND THE MUSIC IN MY HEAD.  
Thank you Angels 
and thank you all, 

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