Courage is a choice.
So is confidence, dynamism, joy, kindness and respect.
Many of us at different times in our life have felt diminished, alone, vulnerable and isolated. At times like this it is almost impossible to think of courage and confidence as a choice. But it is.
Sometimes, it is particularly important at the 'down times' to remember this. Courage is a choice.
At the 'up times' OF COURSE we feel courageous, we are on top of the world! We love everyone and everyone loves us! We don't need the red cape or the pep talk .... or our Angels.....WE ARE on the 'UP side'!
It is then at this moment we can realize that when we are in the 'down time' we are pulled to call on our Angels. We call on them for their assistance, their help, their guidance, their power, their ability to instil confidence and courage within us. And they do.
They fill us up with Angel energy and bit by bit that Angel Energy allows us to feel a glimmer of hope and then we feel like we are breathing in NEW LIFE and NEW OPPORTUNITY onto our pathway. As we continue to connect, rely and have faith in our Angels then we feel our courage and confidence and zest for life flowing through us ~
We put on our red cape, raise our chin and say 'I'm ready! BRING IT ON!'
Call on, rely on and have faith in your Angels.....EVEN IN THE 'UP TIMES'.
Don't stop! Keep going! Call on them for assistance, guidance and protection
and allow them to fuel your pathway forward with
Angel Courage and Confidence!
**To experience some relaxation and rejuvenation through some quick yet powerful meditations - please join me on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL - CLICK HERE!
is available now!
I look forward to connecting with you...and your Angels!