Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Plant Milkweed and save the Monarch butterfly!

Butterflies are symbolic of FREEDOM and TRANSFORMATION.
They stand for patience and beauty and simplicity.

The Monarch butterfly also reminds of STRENGTH and PERSISTENCE as each year this beautiful and seemingly frail and delicate creature (average size 3.5-4" wingspan) travels THOUSANDS of miles in the late summer/early autumn from Southern Canada and various points across the United States to Mexico.  This annual migration teaches us not to judge a book by it's cover - truly great things (and great distances!) can happen when we follow our instincts and believe we can do anything!

These butterflies, our Monarchs are in danger this year and need our help.  Milkweed plants (which are the only plant the caterpillars can feed on) are in low number and therefore OUR HELP IS NEEDED to ensure that we all plant Milkweed seeds and plants in our gardens this year.  As Milkweed plants increase so do these miraculous butterflies.

I have my side garden all ready - when the weather warms up at the end of month....my Milkweed plants will be taking root!

For more information http://www.got-milkweed.com/

My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience. 
Click here to order your copy. 
Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald

Contact Stacey MacDonald for your personal Intuitive Coaching session, Angel Reading, Energy Healing orAkashic Records Reading