SUCH a powerful energy we hold today! Our full moon's lunar eclipse last night sets the energy for us to release anything that might be holding us back from realizing our true potential!
MORE THAN THAT, this energy allows us to enter a time of powerful and positive change.
If you have been looking for a 'lucky break', an opportunity to move forward in your career, a inflow of financial abundance, a new love relationship to come your way.....THIS IS YOUR TIME!
Simply, think of or write down any thoughts or perceptions of what you feel might be blocking your way....and as you tear up this paper (or burn it up....safely :) or simply clear your mind of these thoughts.....these blockages are simply washed away from your mind ~ and from your Life Path.
THIS is the energy that surrounds us today and IF you would like to USE THIS ENERGY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE? Then please do.
It is yours for the taking.
My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience.
Contact Stacey MacDonald for an Intuitive Coaching session, Angel Reading, Energy Healing orAkashic Records Reading