Friday, August 2, 2013

The Leap of Faith

Having the courage to jump, to take the leap  -  to summon all of your strength, your intestinal fortitude and ..... just GO FOR IT!  ..... is tough.  
....but worth it. 
'Almost'  all of the time.  It is this 'almost' that gets to us.  It sticks to us like a glue that we can't see and yet we are able to have moments that 'almost' worked, strategies that 'should have' panned out (but didn't), plans that simply fell through 'in spite of' us efforting to ensure the success....nothing.  
THESE moments of 'trial and failure'  -  or at the very least unsatisfying results, STICK TO US and become another barrier that our lower Self will use to try to STOP us from.....TRYING AGAIN.  
It is much more difficult to pull up to our conscious minds, quite so quickly of the 'other' times when we have tried and efforted - and succeeded!!  Things have gone VERY WELL indeed and in some cases, surpassed all expectations!  Great!  
Why is it that these times are not ALWAYS at the forefront of our mind when faced with our next big "Should I go for it or not' question?   .....  I hear crickets chirping which don't have an answer either.  
There is NO REASON other than our lower Self trying to bring us down.  KNOWING THIS means that we can easily erase this pattern of thought by simply acknowledging this - and GOING FOR IT anyway!
For example, when faced with that questions "Should I GO FOR IT?"....the answer is always YES. Even if lower Self is busy reminding you of all the times when you 'went for it' and it flopped....YOU are now going to recognize this as an potential obstacle in your path as simply a negative thought pattern placed there BY YOU .... and so can also be removed BY YOU.  Wash it away and then continue.....Should you try?  YES.  Should you hope for the best results?  YES. Should you dream of your efforts surpassing your expectations? YES.
Summon every last bit of your Self and throw everything you have into new challenges and opportunities. Remind your Self of all of the times when you have done likewise...and SUCCEEDED!  Keep a list of these times, jot them down if you like, to remind your Self of them when the doubts and anxieties find their way into your thought stream again....RE-TRAIN your thoughts in this way to always find their way to back to 'your winning side'!
You are on the RIGHT TRACK - if you are thinking about 'making a big splash'?

Contact Stacey MacDonald for an Intuitive Coaching session, Angel Reading or Energy Healing

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