Sunday, August 4, 2013

Little steps lead to the tipping point.

All GREAT results.....come from taking ONE step at a time.
One little step forward, followed by another...and then - another....WILL bring you to where you would like to find your Self.
It sometimes takes great courage, intestinal fortitude and FAITH - in your Self, in others around you, in your intuition, in your Guides and Angels, in Source, in a Higher power.....FAITH and get you to where you KNOW you are destined to BE. One step then another then another ALWAYS LEAD to your TIPPING POINT!

In fact, it ALWAYS takes GREAT FAITH  and a courage in your conviction to not only believe in your goals and dreams but simply to TAKE THE NEXT STEP towards them and to TRUST that the guidance you are being the RIGHT STEP FORWARD.
Trust, step forward and enJOY your ride!

Shining on your pathway today :)\

Contact Stacey MacDonald for an Intuitive Coaching session, Angel Reading or Energy Healing

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