Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Huh. Is it Broken?... JUST FIX IT...with Support...where are you all?


Hmmmm. That's the Thing guys. 
Some people don't realize that WHATEVER is Broken....can be fixed. 
Sometimes it takes some tools...AND TIME. 

Its funny because when we talk about 'things getting FIXED'...EVERYbody views and HEARS this differently so it can be a questionable saying..  in that it means different things to different people at different times along our different life paths....

k...quick share...Tomorrow morning I have someone coming around to fix my shower. I can't do it on my own...
this is a SMALL SMALL SMALL thing.  **Still I am making use of the Analogy. 

Sometimes (many times) we can't do things on our own.  We NEED TOOLS....people....support and Expertise (in some cases).  We KNOW when we need this because we LOOK UP and around for help. WHERE is our support. 
sometimes it takes some hugs and
SOME TIMES it takes Expert help.  *like I say ....'people who went to school for this'.  
**Like the Expert I called in for tomorrow for my shower....there are SO MANY PEOPLE who are there for us...we just need to ask...reach out. 
REACH OUT to others in your Community ...share what you can and ask questions....SO MANY TIMES this is THE SAME ENERGY. 

Share...AND the world shares back your way. 
Love you all, 
So do your Angels, 
ALL ways

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