Saturday, December 21, 2013

Look for your star!

It's a special time of year, a MAGICAL time of year.  It's a time where we have a very great amount of people who BELIEVE in magic and who might be looking for that lovely and magical energy to bring them some wishes, some 'dreams come true', some miracles.  
There are others who already feel like they have everything they need and desire for themselves and yet STILL pour out extra energy at this time of year so that others might feel the same way. 

For great things to happen - you have to BELIEVE.  

That is true for this time of year - however, it is also true for any situation, any 'wish' ANY time of the year.  You have to believe.  

You can believe in Angels, believe in the magic of Christmas or any/every other holiday, believe in the power of the Universe, believe in Divine Source.......all of the above or none of the above... however MOST of all...

KNOW in your heart that you are worthy of great things.  KNOW that wondrous, magical experiences can be had!  MIRACLES CAN your you and for you. 

Look for your star - in the night sky and make your wish.  Tomorrow night, look for another star and make another wish. (Not the same wish!  Your team already received the memo on that one!! Keep it fresh!!)  and just keep it going.   Every time you make a wish you increase the magic!

There are as many stars in the sky as there are wishes that can be granted.  
Look for your star and then look for your granted wishes around you.  Look for other's wishes around you to be granted as well.   In some instances, you must be patient and KEEP BELIEVING - DO NOT 'drop the ball' on this one! You must 'hold up your end' here!  

Hold the Light of your stars within your Self and let them SHINE out to all you meet today and everyday!

My new book Angels and Energy is available now in softcover or ebook for your convenience. 
Click here to order your copy. 
Sending blessings your way, Stacey MacDonald

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