Saturday, March 16, 2013


All around you lies opportunity. Big, small, unexpected, expected (Finally!!) - in whatever form it takes, you can be assured - it is there.
Sometimes there are signs that it is just within your grasp, sometimes you feel that it is around you very, very close at hand and yet? and yet??  Your inspiration to head in a certain direction?  .... is simply reading a 'dial tone'.  Nothing.
or not?
No, there IS something.  Some thing telling you that you are nearly there. Some thing telling you to not give up. Some thing urging you to KEEP FOLLOWING THE BREAD CRUMBS.  (Who wants a bread crumb? NO ONE!)  However one bread crumb leads you to the next and then the next and then - before you know it, you look up from your basket of bread crumbs and you are staring FULL ON at an open door.  and MAN!! THAT VIEW is FANTASTIC.
An open vista is awaiting you.
That 'some thing' that is urging you forward, telling you to 'keep your chin up', FORCING you to continue to explore new avenues, to GET OUT THERE, to open your mind to the possibility that you are being guided and to have faith in the direction that you are being led.....that 'some thing' is... your Angels.  Archangel Haniel will help you to uncover hidden talents within your Self as you go along this path and Archangel Ariel will continue to force you out of your comfort zone at times in order to find out more about your Self and find new circles of people who share your point of view, people that you can learn from and people that can learn FROM you.

Meanwhile, those bread crumbs we were talking about?  They can be lightly seasoned, toasted and will be quite enjoyable added to a Caesar salad this afternoon!
Keep going - PERSEVERE!  and enJOY collecting your bread crumbs :D
Bon Appetit.

Stacey MacDonald - Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA

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