Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Angel Steps

Always forward, ever forward - our Angels have us ON THE MOVE!  Sometimes we are at a slow pace, other times a brisk pace and still others have us jogging along quite nicely as we try to keep our breath with the pace of things.
SOME TIMES and not often, however we can find ourselves at a bit of a standstill.
DO NOT for one moment think that this is a time when our Angels have forgotten about us and moved on to other things.  DO NOT think "Well, that's it then. It's been a good run and I guess it's time to MOVE ON to other things.....sniff"
DO think that you are being afforded a brief reprieve from your daily  'busybusy' to do....what?  THAT'S the key.  It's up to YOU to figure out 'the why' behind this rest period.
It might (and very often) be that you simply need to rest; emotionally and physically. Take this time to indulge in sleep, naps, find a good (and not very challenging) book, watch television, go to the spa, stare at a wall....haha!
It might also be that there is a task/monkey on your back that you JUST CAN'T GET TO because you are SO BUSY .... and now....you have that time!  (bye bye monkey!)
It might be that you need to 'tear down some walls' that have built up around you emotionally, spiritually.  These walls can be built up due to a 'build up' of other people's stuff that is 'glomming' on to you which can drastically reduce your personal energy, your ability to manifest and find new opportunities in your physical life.  You can tear down these walls through meditation, journalling, deep breathing, yoga and exercise, spending time outside *I call these the FANTASTIC FIVE :) *  and/or  simply asking Archangel Michael to wash away any unwanted energies that are around you at this time.  You can also do a combination of any of the above to fast track this process!

Regardless of the speed at which you are travelling at this time - know that your progress forward is being cared for very diligently by your Angel Team.  HOLD UP YOUR END by noticing, appreciating and acknowledging their support.
How do you do THIS?
Relax, let go, have faith and TRUST that they are clearing your path for you.
Shining Angel Light your way.

Stacey MacDonald is a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner® , Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA,  Intuitive Life Path Guide & Energy Healer.  Please see our webiste at www.angellight.ca to book an Angel Reading 

Image courtesy of vongvanvi at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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