Sunday, October 14, 2012


So, people ask me "How do I stop the negative feelings and thoughts that always seem to be around me?".  A fair question. We ALL go through times in our lives where the loop of negative thinking seems to be on overdrive. These thoughts can be just a moment of light self doubt or it can be or become a  loop of incessant negative chatter can become so loud that it overrides everything else and everybody else in our waking life - and sometimes through our Dreamtime as well. How do we get it to stop?
Don't 'STOP' it.
 It is a part of our journey to have these isolated negative thoughts or a barrage of negative thoughts and feelings come and go within ourselves as we progress down our path. You are not alone. YOU are NOT negative - the thoughts are all part of the deal.
Do 'ACT' on it.
Just because you have negative thoughts does not mean you have to live in the dark.  Ask your Angels to help you. They are always by your side but have a FAR GREATER ability to actively help you WHEN YOU ASK for their assistance.  So ask out loud or in your head "Please Angels, help me to turn on my Light, show me the Light around me so I can shine it in my Life path"
Your Angels will respond by showing you past memories of happy times, send a kind person into your pathway who in turn does something to brighten your path, play your favourite song on the radio or a myriad of other ways in which they will SHOW YOU that there is Light around you.  THIS is what you ACT ON.
HOLD onto what they show you, focus on these acts of kindness that happen around you and inspire you to act with kindness your Self firstly and then around you.  Write these memories/happenings/instances down if you have to as a reminder for when your Light begins to dim a can refer to your list - REMEMBER THE LIGHT - and stoke the fires of Light within you. As your Light becomes brighter and brighter as you learn to pay attention to the signs, symbols, memories and positive thought patterns or flashes that your Angels are continuing to send your way - your Light becomes bright enough to shine on and show you that there is a .... Light switch on the wall!     You move over to it, click the switch and the room is bathed in Light!  You are shining brightly and so is your Life Path.
Sometimes it can be a journey through the dark with your flashlight.....stay the course.  DO THE WORK and KEEP NOTICING the signs, symbols and inspirations your Angel Team is giving you to keep your flashlight shining brighter and brighter.
By focusing on the Light, you are not necessarily 'taking away the dark' - it is still there - HOWEVER, when your Light and the Light around you is shining so brightly that it holds your attention - the 'dark' ceases to matter.  The Light that is now around you has DIFFUSED the dark and with it any power it had over you to pull you down.  The Light has lifted you up and out of it. Continue to allow this Light to shine into your Path today and every day. NOTICE the Light around you! Focus on it!
Shine on Angel Team!

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