Well, there is a short version and a long version.....and THAT is the straight TRUTH answer for EVERY single question in the Universe...REGARDLESS of the question! ..... but I digress.... :)
So OF COURSE finding your inner strength, your inner truth, your inner SELF can be a matter of years of study (how deep do you want to go?!), meditation, energy healings, soul retrieving and journeying in some cases etcetcetc however in addition to these techniques and more if chosen there are some VERY base ways of going about 'peeling off layers' to the point where you have your clear Self and Strength clearly in sight - BOY, what a relief this is! To be able to reveal to yourself....your SELF.
One of these ways is to, as we mentioned 'peel off layers'. These can be layers of busybusy. I frequently talk about the ways in which our day to day to-do list (real or imagined) can 'busy us up' so much and to the point where we are SO BUSY that we do not even have the time to stop and acknowledge our Self....in time this Self gets smaller and smaller 'behind the busy' because it is never consulted with, honoured or respected. One of our Reiki Values is "Whatever we focus on expands"...the opposite is also true.
If this point relates to you in any way, TAKE ACTIVE STEPS to look objectively at your to-do list and ERASE those points that DO NOT SUPPORT YOU, your Self and your inner strength. Try it! At least a few of those points can be EASILY slid off the docket for the day, the week (forever!) and NO ONE (not even you!) will blink! But you have MADE ROOM for focus on Self and uncovering Inner Strength.
Another 'layer' might be your own perception of who you are; important/non-important, rich/poor, good looking/not so much, in a relationship/definitely one sided, corner office/work from home.......PUT IT ALL AWAY. YOU ARE exactly who you were when you were 10 years old. Pull off the car, the house, the facebook, the emails, THE PHONE, blahblahblah and DIAL BACK PEOPLE. YOU ARE YOU. period. And if you are getting a little 'long in the tooth' as my Self (who is currently rocking out 40+ and loving it!) then you also have some family supporting you, a circle (maybe its a circle of 1 or 2 or maybe a circle or 20+) of good friends, good memories, a job that supports you on this physical plane, live in a community that supports you and you are able to give back to that community (pick up litter!!!!) etc Forget the rest. FORGET THE REST. (he said that she said that they were talking about closing down that office, i might lose my job, did you SEE the way she did her hair??!, i want a nicer car, what if i can't pay the bills next month, i had a fight with my best friend, how DARE he treat her like that??!......)
ENOUGH. make a cup of tea, go sit outside, stare at the sky, smile at a stranger, BREATHE. Let's go all BIG PICTURE and remember that this physical plane journey is meant to be tough (this is how we learn while we are here) but it GETS EASIER when we remember to 'peel off the layers'.
NOTHING pulls off layers faster than getting outside- whether you are enjoying that cup of tea, journalling, kayaking, walking, running, rollerblading, biking, watching a football game.....does not matter....BE OUT SIDE and reconnect with Self and in doing so, allow your strength to shine through!
Bullet points to 'peel off layers'
- drink water (sigh! you KNOW this so DO IT!!)
- CLEANSING happens inside as well as outside!! so IMMERSE YOUR SELF in water - swimming, showering, soak in a SEA SALT bath**
- listen to music - your FAVOURITE music
- double down on the effectiveness of this by SINGING ALONG or better yet, DANCING (triple down by dancing, singing, listening....are you getting this?!)
- step out of your comfort zone....anything works here - follow your gut! Be brave! The benefits of this and this alone are outstanding for finding your inner strength! (You know that thing that you always say "OH NO! I could never do THAT!".....do it.)
- Enjoy your Self - as you are. Sometimes riding high Self and sometimes awkward, cringeface, WHY do these things ONLY happen to me??! Self.
All part of the journey people and you are only along for the ride so you might as well....
TAKE TIME to 'peel off those layers' that do their darnedest
to hide the REAL YOU and hold back your inner Strength.
*Do these points seem to 'base' for you? Are you feeling questionable about the effectiveness of setting up this type of regimen? Do you feel this might be a waste of time? Why? NONE of these points cost any money - only your time, your attention, your focus and your 'buy in'/your belief in your Self. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying some/all/most of these points ON A REGULAR BASIS going forward.
EnJOY your Self and the Inner Strength that is the REAL YOU! and keep shining.
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