Monday, April 16, 2012

Do you remember this look?

This look of reverence, of awe, of TRUST. Do you remember the questions that surrounded 'this look'?  "Is everything ok?"
"Are you for REAL?"
"Do I believe this?"
This is the way we looked as children - looking up at adults and at new situations, finding our way, testing the waters, finding boundaries, trusting in the guidance around us....

as adults....this is 'the look' we have as we are just starting out on our journey in our own intuition, in our guides, in our Angels, in the Divine, in Source, and sometimes even in our SELF.
Do we trust this? Do we REALLY hear/see/feel this message? or is this JUST our imagination? should I take the chance? should I TRUST THIS GUIDANCE?

believe it.
trust it.
Confidence in your own ability to hear and accept and follow your own inner guidance as directed by your Angel Team allows you to step confidently along your Life Path.

and yes, Everything is MORE THAN 'ok'!! 
Keep shining!!

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