Friday, January 20, 2012

Stop WHINING!! and just do it!!

"Do one thing a day that scares you"

SO TRUE!! and thank you Eleanor Roosevelt as I quote you (yet again! Her words are so inspiring).
To get to where you truly want to get to in your heart, on your path - emotionally, physically, spiritually, sometimes financially, MUST TAKE THAT LEAP OF FAITH and GET OUT THERE and do something, go somewhere, say something, take action in an area where you are being called to do, be, go.
you don't want to?
SO WHAT?! stop whining and go anyway!!
no really - get going.
Sometimes you get to a point on your path where the road looks kind of frightening, daunting or maybe just a little uncomfortable.....but the point is - THAT IS the way forward. 
Once you are on your path, you can't go just can't - that is NEVER the way it works. So if you choose to turn away from the bumpy bits then are NOT going forward, and since you CAN'T go are simply STUCK.....standing there staring at what you could, should, would be doing if you had the gumption, courage, FAITH to move forward ....every day.
SO GO!! Take a chance and feel the power within yourself as you CELEBRATE YOUR WIN!  Your step out of your comfort zone and into THE MAGIC!!
See you there!  Shine a little of your magic my way :)

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