Thursday, November 17, 2011


Inviting Abundance with the Angels

Dec. 29  7-9pm   $88

Abundance in every form  is attainable and available to everyone at all times. This workshop is centred on cleansing and releasing  any energy that is manifesting in behaviours, habits, challenges or obstacles that you would like to release before the wonderful beginning of 2012!  Once you have cleared and cleansed, you are now ready to invite abundance into your life.

 Working closely with your Angel Team, we will:

·         Cleanse and clear any energy that is creating an obstacle to your abundance

·         Set your intentions and open your channel to your Angelic guidance to receive all the abundance that is available for you

·         Learn personal methods and daily exercises on how to ensure that your energy stays clear, open, positive and focused on an ongoing basis and into 2012  (Exercises and methods are outlined in guide you are welcome to take with you)

Participants, feel free to bring with you a list of energies (attitudes, behaviours, challenges, obstacles) that you wish to release and also that which you would like to manifest within your personal, emotional, physical and/or spiritual life. (This list is private and will not be shared unless participant chooses to do so)

I look forward to seeing you and working together with your Angel Team for this powerful "Get Ready for the New Year" workshop!
For booking please contact  The Clarity Centre, Oakville, ON 

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