Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Your Angel Team helps you to achieve Greatness!

A very specific message from the Angels today to realize your full power as a manifestor and positive force in your own life and on your own path.  As you begin to come to this realization - the realization that you can most definitely receive clear messages and guidance from your Angel Team and these messages can not only enhance your journey forward but clearly mark your specific 'next steps' to take towards your realize you want to continue to enhance and grow this ability. 
Unfortunately at this point, the ego/lower Self can pop in and try to 'control' the experience, charting a course that 'makes sense' in order to cover every area of 'growth forward' towards the goal etc......
haha!! the Angels don't work that way however!  Your Angels want you to sing, dance, laugh, play, go for walks outside, relax and have fun with your kids, water the garden, take a nap, take yourSelf out for a lunch, enJOY a hot shower etcetcetc.  It is exactly when you are treating yourSelf well and treating others well - laughing and joyfully carrying on with your day that they are most able to surround you with their healing and spiritual energy to 'grow you forward'. They will jump in at this point and 'give you the download' and day by day, joyfully and peacefully, your awareness and understanding of 'the whole' and your part in it.....becomes a part of you to enJOY and to share.
So today, take back your power by enjoying the 'little things' - as Mother Teresa said "We can do no great things, only small things with great love"  Revel in 'the small things' today and in so doing, achieve greatness for yourSelf and for others.
Keep shining!

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