Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Throat Chakra - Clear and KEEP IT CLEAR!

When it comes to Chakras - this can be a difficult one to CLEAR AND KEEP IT CLEAR!
This Energy centre within us enables us to speak clearly - speak honestly - to others and also WITHIN OURSELVES.  You know that little voice inside of you?  Yup! That's the one.
When this Throat chakra is clear and balanced, that little voice can be kinder, gentler and doesn't scatter energy around everywhere trying to justify and explain everything within....this voice relaxes into the moment and simply speaks the truth.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhh - so gratifying!

This Throat Chakra also allows us to recognize the truth around us and helps us to LISTEN to others.  By LISTENING we LEARN.  Let your voice within take a seat, make your Self comfortable and LISTEN TODAY.

Listen to others, listen to music, listen to a meditation, (listen to the freezing rain hitting the window as I am doing at this very moment - YIKES!)  and while you are listening - IMAGINE and ENVISION Sky blue energy surrounding your Throat chakra area - all the way around and through it, beautiful Sky blue light is beaming in through this Energy centre.

Close your eyes and feel the physical area RELAX and CLEAR and BALANCE.  Breathe easier and speak more gently.   DID YOU HEAR ME??!   ;D
Have a brilliant day!

Stacey MacDonald - Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA

Monday, February 25, 2013

My NEW Facebook page

I welcome you to visit my NEW FACEBOOK PAGE and LIKE if you are guided to!
I appreciate your support and send you many blessings and Angel Light!

Chakra Clearing Meditation - This Wednesday, Feb 27

This evening is always a relaxed and casual gathering for those who are wishing to heal themselves or offer healing to another person, place or situation; physically, emotionally or spiritually. 
We begin with a powerful healing meditation and afterwards take part in discussion regarding daily practises on how to ensure your own Energy remains balanced and clear going forward.

*This Wednesday! Feb 27
-Positive Affirmations Share - bring your favourite(s)-
Location:  The Clarity Centre, Oakville

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER  -  I look forward to connecting with you!

Stacey MacDonald  Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA

Full moon tonight - ARE YOU READY?

Full moons can be a wild ride!  Some more than others and this one promises to be quite a show!  Visually, it may seem to you that this is 'just like any other' full moon however THIS one will be quite spectacular for those who WISH to clear and clean away any unwanted behaviours, patterns, persistent trains of thought, habits.....WHICH DO NOT SERVE YOUR HIGHEST AND BEST PURPOSE.

What does this mean?  There are things we do, people we gravitate to, daily practices that we do 'by rote' that simply hold us back.  They inhibit our ability to truly step into our own power.  Why don't we just STOP doing these things, saying these things, inviting those people back into our circle, thinking those thoughts??  Why indeed.

We may not STOP connecting with these behaviour patterns because even though we KNOW that in some or many ways this causes us to fall short of what we are able to accomplish as well as the level of GREATNESS we are able to FEEL!  However, these behaviours are KNOWN and in some ways COMFORTABLE and by stripping them away - we know that we might miss them somewhat and most importantly we are not GUARANTEED that there will be any positive, spectacular change by doing so.  Why take the chance?

Why NOT TAKE THE CHANCE??  Go ahead, take the chance. Roll the dice - FOR YOU! As you benefit so does everyone and everything around you.  Take the chance.

The Full moon energy offers us the ability to make a list or simply keep in mind the behaviour(s) and patterns that we wish to see WASH away from our daily pattern.  It's just that simple.
Wherever you are in the world tonight, stand out under your Full moon and feel the energy wash away anything that holds you back - from realizing your GREATNESS.

Stacey MacDonald - Intuitive Life Guide, Energy Healer, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Angel Light Certified Practitioner

 Angel Light Certified Practitioner (ALCP)   
Connect with the Angels for yourself and for others!     
·         gain an in-depth knowledge  and understanding of each of the 15 main Archangels   
·         learn how to connect with them to facilitate messages for yourself and others 
·         work with Archangel Michael to clear negative energy to assist with Life Path     
·         learn how the Angels communicate with you through numbers, colours & crystals    
·         develop your intuition through practical exercises     
·         understand how to interpret Angel messages and guidance   
·         experience practical hands-on Angel card readings for yourself and others
cost $245
ALCP Course Manual provided
All participants receive an Angel Light Certified Practitioner  (ALCP) certificate.

Stacey MacDonald is a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner ®, Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA
Akashic Record Consultant, Intuitive Life Path Guide, Energy Healer & Founder of  Angel Light

Monday, February 18, 2013

"Stripping away the NEGATRONS!"

 Do you find that your energy is less than optimal?  Is that just  a 'silver lining slant' on being DOWNRIGHT EXHAUSTED, drained, sapped, frustrated, in a rut, STUCK.  Yes, sometimes we are just stuck. Stuck on life path and this can happen AS A RESULT of being stuck within our own energy. Even in our own headspace we are stuck - can't think of ANY WAY to move forward, can think of TOO MANY ways to move forward which can result in feelings of overwhelm - head whirring and whirring with no solutions that seem to be an ACTUAL ACTION POINT - a PLACE TO START.  

Well, let's START by doing something tangible with the next moment.  Let's consider the fact that one of the reasons we are having a hard time going forward is because consciously or unconsciously we have surrounded ourselves with people, situations, habits and behaviours that HOLD US HERE.  Not only are we not able to GET ON WITH THINGS....we are very, very tired.  Inside we feel tired and outside we look tired.  

Consider this exercise;

'Stripping away the Negatrons' - Look objectively at the circle of people, relationships and situations that you surround yourself with on a daily or regular basis and be HONEST as to which people or situations TAKE ENERGY from you.   This type of situation can really pull your energy down and by LIMITING time spent in this situation and/or with this person or people - you can allow your energy to continue to strengthen and build without having it continually sapped away. 

Some situations can be left behind completely while others are not that easy nor do you necessarily WANT to walk away from completely - and you don't have to in order to get the full effect from this exercise.
Take a break from some of your Negatrons. Take a week, 3 weeks, a weekend off and while you are doing so.....INDULGE your Self completely in positive thoughts and feelings of personal wellness.   Spend more time outside, meditate, treat your Self to a spa experience or Energy session.

'Strip away your Negatrons' and feel your personal Energy....thank you for it!

Stacey MacDonald is an Energy Healer, Intuitive Life Guide and Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner® and the Founder of Angel Light. 

Image courtesy of 89studio at

Saturday, February 16, 2013

This Tuesday Feb. 19 - Meditation Evening with the Angels

This coming Tuesday evening at The Clarity Centre, Oakville  

 Tues Feb 19   7-9pm  $25

Experience an evening of relaxation, healing and connection with your Angels
 through a guided meditation. We look forward to seeing you! 
   CLICK HERE to register

Friday, February 8, 2013

Angel numbers 555

555 means transformation, transition, new opportunities and it's presence on SO MANY pathways has never been stronger....than RIGHT NOW.

Wow!  This is a BIG Angel message!  .... or at least it can be. 
When you see the repeated number sequence of 555 it can mean that there are big and transformative energies working within your Life Path at this time; emotionally, spiritually and sometimes even physically.  
Sometimes this big and bold transition time is as a result of our request for assistance in order to EASE UP on some issues that currently and have been applying pressure on us. Sometimes this change happens because our Angel team and guides KNOW that there are bigger and better things for us....just over the horizon.  We have to trust. 

Still other times, the change is not BIG!  At least, not as BIG as you asked it to be!!  There IS change.....yeeeesssss....but it is so tiny and therefore .... A LITTLE frustrating!  We wanted 'the bigger thing'.   Again, we have to trust. 
Sometimes, the change is INCREMENTAL to allow us to EASE INTO our new and better way of doing things - and also, allows the people around us to get used to our new way of doing things....all good.   
It's like slipping into a hot bubble bath an inch at a time compared to RIPPING OF A BANDAID....that's been on for a few days!  OUCH!!!'s all good in the end...just a 'different process'!

So, when 555 enters your Life Path - get excited! New and better things are on their way to you!  
Shining Angel Light on your Path!

Stacey MacDonald offers Life Path coaching, Energy Healing and Angel readings.

Image courtesy of mrpuen at

Monday, February 4, 2013

Angel Abundance Affirmation

"With all my heart tonight and every night Angels - 
I ask that abundance in every way 
(spiritually, emotionally, physically, with relationships-
particularly my relationship with SELF) 
be brought to me easily and without effort.  

I trust that this is possible for me as I learn to go forward 
in my belief in trust and faith of Divine support in every way.
Thank you for guiding me as I learn to open my arms and my heart to receive"

Stacey MacDonald is the founder of Angel Light. To book your personal Angel reading, guidance session and/or Energy healing please contact through the website.

Image courtesy of chanpipat at

Friday, February 1, 2013

Angel Connection: Push to Start

....and more and more of us are becoming VERY AWARE of this!  We have only to put our hand in the air, envision our START button and press firmly.... :)

Our Angel connection is ALWAYS available to us.  Many people go through their entire Life path without realizing this.  ASKING AND ASKING for guidance and direction and help and assistance and in some cases their ONLY answer or most frequent answer is .... frustration and a feeling of being a little or ALOT ....lost and alone.

WELL, certainly you are not alone.  WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO CONVINCE YOU?
I am URGING you to BELIEVE this morning.  BELIEVE in your ability to connect with your Angels and MORE IMPORTANTLY BELIEVE in your Angel team's ability to connect with you!


....AND as 2013 is more of a year TO TAKE ACTION rather than playing 'lip service' only to moving forward on Life path
THEN FIRST you have to acknowledge your BELIEF and THEN you have to put your hand in the air.
"Pick me" your hand seems to say and in a way, this is exactly what you are showing your Angel team!  Keep your hand in the air and see your index finger pressing your START BUTTON.

What's that?  Oh yes,  "We have lift off!"   FEEL THE RUSH, you are connected.
Feel strong, safe and supported as you go through your day today - you have all of your Angels on your team!

 Stacey MacDonald  is a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner ®,Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master/Teacher  RT-CRA, Intuitive Life Path Guide & Energy Healer

Image courtesy of sippakorn at